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Rae Grulkowski

Cascade County Commissioner

Accountability, transparency, effective leadership -
no matter the challenge.

Rae Grulkowski as your candidate for
County Commissioners in the 2024 General Election!

Get Involved


Hello, Cascade County!

In 2022, I was a first-time candidate for the District 3 seat for Cascade County Commissioner and I was passionate to bring more transparency to our County government by including our citizens. I think you for your votes in November 2022, which made that campaign a success! Having now been inside our County government, I can confirm that this government needs you. It remains critical that your Board of County Commissioners practice all of their deliberations with transparency and accountability to the citizenry. Where it is the will of my constituents, I will continue to speak out no matter the challenge.

As we gear up for our write-in campaign for the November 5th, 2024 general election, I will continue to convey decorum and process to our commission office, something desperately lacking. As the Chair, I was able to do this for our commissioner meetings by enforcing rules of order and providing graceful leadership. This was a necessity with the highly publicized meetings regarding the county elections office and the vote of Resolution 23-62. In the midst of this criticism and chaos, my unwavering stature held strong.

Being a self-starter has been an immeasurable asset during my term of service. Knowing how to access information, how to use resources, and having the willingness to share that information encourages collaboration throughout our county offices.

My priorities for Cascade County include a vast, bulleted list of changes and goals, mostly to the internal culture of your County government. Many of those include enforcing currently established policy and eliminating favoritism. However, as a board of three members, progress continues to be hindered by a vote of 2 to 1 and a poor habit of silencing your representation.  This recent article gives a glimpse of what goes on without Public participation.

My persistence in keeping topics alive is uncomfortable to some, but it is invaluable in regards to accomplishing goals. I do not agree with the saying "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." From the challenges of the Base Sentinel Project Upgrade, to fiscal decisions that always impact our taxes, the best solutions for our County will be determined by first working through communication and informational exchange barriers. Open minds and closed doors to criticism will enable our Board of County Commissioners to make sound decisions for our future - no matter what the topic is.

My dedication is to our County as a whole. After all, I, too, am a resident and a taxpayer here. This dedication involves considering all towns, cities, and communities in our County. From Dearborn, to Neihart, to Belt, and all points in between, I visit and get to know my constituents, to learn how I can best represent them. This is bottom-up leadership, ensuring a stronger County government. And, as a public servant, not a politician, I bring our citizens' voice to the table. By viewing my constituents as my "boss", it simplifies decision-making. There is freedom in your speech, Cascade County - let's hear it!

Look, listen, and participate in our Commissioner meetings posted here!

I am proud to serve you.

Commissioner Rae Grulkowski


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Make checks payable and mail to:

Rae for Cascade County
P.O. Box 14
Stockett, MT 59480

Please include this information, which is required by Montana state campaign law, when donating by personal check:

  • Your name and address

  • Your occupation and employer

The maximum amount allowable per individual contribution is $450.00

Contributions must be from individuals. We cannot accept corporate contributions.


Send Rae a message.

We'd love to hear your ideas and views about this campaign and your county government. Thank you!

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